This Giving Tuesday: Choose Kearny Street Workshop, Become a Monthly Donor

Art has been a beacon, a guide, and a salve when I’ve been lost, in need of hope, and seeking direction. During a tough winter and season in our lives, I believe that art will express the future we need to envision now. We will make it through this together.

Audience image / APAture Festival Film Arts Showcase / October 2024 / Image by Claire Burke

I am reaching out on behalf of KSW to ask you to show us you believe we’ll make it through together too. Will you give today, and carry the legacy of Asian Pacific American arts as beacons of hope when we desperately need art most? Dec 3rd is Giving Tuesday, a day when people all around the world show their support for nonprofits they care deeply for. Will you choose KSW and donate to fight for Asian Pacific Americans for future generations? 

Thank you to our monthly donors M Cristina Ibarra, Cristel Fiel, Melody Hernandez, Kevin Chen, Colin Kimzey, Lucie Pereira, Jennifer Chu, Jenifer Wofford, Muriel Leung, Lisa Hsia, Michael Cheng, Rachel Kong, Rosalynn Khor, Mikkel Snyder, Anna Bunting. With your consistent support, we are able to keep our lights on and continue serving our community day in and day out. 

This past year, we showcased artists whose work sparked much needed conversation about pressing issues. We hosted our 25th Anniversary of APAture festival. A home for emerging Asian Pacific American artists since 1999, APAture has been an incredible jump off point for countless artists who are ready to speak up for our communities. We provided places of rest and retreat, so that artists and organizers could recoup, heal, and grow together. We deeply understood that telling our stories while building between struggles is the way that people power grows. Art is our North Star when we need it most. 

With continued organizing, storytelling, community building, and art-making, we are taking our fate into our own hands. We continue to shake the ground and make our voices heard. 

Will you continue to do this work with KSW? This Giving Tuesday, when the world chooses which worthy causes receive much needed support, consider giving a monthly gift to KSW today.This ongoing support means the world to us in an increasingly unstable world. Our monthly supporters give us the peace of mind we need to keep our lights on, and with your support, we commit to standing tall as the community hub for APAs we have always been: educating emerging artists and growing class consciousness, gathering resources and making safe spaces, amplifying voices and empowering communities. Give a meaningful gift today, to show your support.


Co-Executive Director

Kearny Street Workshop

Jason Bayani