This Winter, Donate to Kearny Street Workshop & empower the changemakers of today
2023 has been a year of revelatory people-powered action on a global scale, and a year of grappling with realities such as the nationwide economic downturn, SF’s changing arts & culture landscape and an ongoing pandemic, to name a few. We’re reaching out on behalf of KSW to ask you to put your beliefs into action. Will you donate to us today and help carry the legacy of Asian Pacific American arts as catalysts for change in our communities?
It is clearer today than ever, that art and freedom go hand in hand. Posters, social media posts, art builds, and video documentation are a key part of educating and growing movements for justice and collective liberation. Singing, chanting, and drumming keeps us moving in unity. We gather, teach, and link arms to say: No. We won’t move!
1972 Kearny Street Workshop/ Image by Jim Dong
This phrase comes from our origin story at the International Hotel, where elders and allies fought for their right to housing, their right to live with dignity. This phrase carries the integrity and indignation of thousands as we stood against injustice, as we continue to stand today. These battles for freedom are interlinked through history, and we must learn from the past. To read more about KSW’s stance on a Free Palestine, please see our statement online:
APAture 2022 (Photo Credit: Claire Burke)
The arts are and will always be central to the people’s struggle. We create so that we can tell the stories that are often unheard. For over half a century, KSW has helped APA artists document our stories, fight erasure, and imagine more just worlds which include us, and the most vulnerable among us. It is during times of crisis that people turn to the arts to render hope, mutual care, community safety, and visions for a better world that we believe can and will exist. This is how we will revive and evolve a San Francisco Bay Area we are proud to call home. Our artists need our support so that they can continue this critical work.
If you are in a position to give, we are asking you to support us in an ambitious goal. We not only want to survive, but we want APA arts to grow even further as a critical arm in the history of resistance in this country. Our goal is to raise $25,000 in individual donations this year!
There are many ways to show your support:
Become a monthly donor at a sustainable and meaningful amount! Our monthly donors provide much needed stability and a foundation for growth.
Join us on Friday, Dec 8th at 7PM for Reset, a KSW Holiday Party - free entry
Become a Legacy Council Member
Do you have the means to donate $500 or more a year? Please consider KSW in your giving! Contact to become a part of this special community
Send checks to PO BOX 14545, San Francisco 94114
Give online at
Email if you’d like to connect 1-1