Our organizational praxis is ever evolving, but is driven by KSW’s long history of nimble, socially responsive community organizing and most of all, by the community of APA artists, curators, and culture makers at the forefront of the arts in the Bay Area and beyond.
As such, KSW upholds its programming on these organizing principles:
Solidarity - We pursue empowerment, community, and resource building across the Asian diaspora for our artists as well as with marginalized communities across boundaries of race, gender, sexuality and ability.
Renewal - We create, maintain, and expand healing spaces for APA artists, building individual and communal safety, and communities of mutual care.
Futurity - We speak a language of possibility, truth, and repossession in an effort to better our world. We believe the arts are an integral part of a positive, revolutionary future.
Autonomy - We foster the self-determination of artists to create meaningful work that does not commodify, perform, or uphold the pain of oppression which limits our artists’ reach, nor does the work need to fit standards beyond those of the artist. We recognize our multidimensional humanity.