Around the Community | LEAD Filipino’s annual Lakbay Summit

Kick off Pride Month at LEAD Filipino’s annual Lakbay Summit on Saturday, June 3rd, from 8am-5pm at De Anza College! 🌈

This year’s theme is Halo-Halo: Get Into the Mix! Programming will center relationship dynamics, intergenerational dialogues, and community care. How can we approach contentious conversations with our youth and elders with the goal of mutual understanding? As a community impacted by the ongoing legacy of colonization and imperialism, how do we begin to heal from generational trauma within our families and ourselves? And in the wake of a mass-disabling event, a rise in anti-Asian violence, and a slew of anti-trans legislation, how do we practice collective and community care?

Tap in to stay up-to-date on speakers, performers, vendors, and workshops! Masks required for all indoor portions of this event—we keep each other safe!

Registration is live at

Jason Bayanicommunity