KSW Presents Sarah Ghazal Ali and Soham Patel
Friday , January 26th
1246 Folsom St. SF, CA
$10 (General Admission), $25 (Supporter Level | reserved seats, drink ticket)
Purchase tickets at https://kswpresents22.eventbrite.com (if price is barrier, please contact info@kearnystreet.org to inquire about sponsored tickets)
KSW Presents is back and we’re bringing together Sarah Ghazal Ali and Soham Patel. We’re celebrating the newest collections from both of these stunning poets Theophanies (Alice James Books, 2024) and all one in the end—/water (Delete, 2023).
This reading will also feature the return of our community mic. This months readers are: Candy Shue, Christine Hsu, Yibing Du, saahil m, Kristin Avenis, and Angel Bista!
Eastwind Books is once again our official bookseller and will be selling copies of our authors’ books at the venue.