APAture 2021: Embrace | Literary Arts


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Co-presented by The Ruby
Tickets: apature21_la.eventbrite.com

November 4, 2021 7-9pm
$5 standard ticket, $10 ticket + suggested donation, $5 sponsor-a-ticket, $50 all access (comes with free t-shirt)
Due to the ongoing pandemic we’re anticipating major revenue shortages for this year’s festival, but, as they say, the show must go on. If you have the means, please consider donating or sponsoring a ticket to help us make up the difference and provide access to the festival for someone in need.

Curated by Lucie Pereira, Emma Grover, Wesley Wang, Paula Mirando

Showcase will be performed at Arc Gallery & Studios and tickets will be available to watch live online

Featuring Monica Sok, Tashi Tamate Weiss, Dena Rod, Karthik Sethuramen, Maureen Boyd, Zara Jamshed. View artist bios.

Our official bookseller for APAture is Eastwind Books. Be sure to pick up your copy of our APAture artists’ books from one of our longest standing community bookstores!

Our theme for this year is Embrace. As we continue to social distance and keep each other safe, we are collectively imagining what intimacy and closeness mean. During times of sickness, violence, and injustice, how do we come together in community and in radical care? What do we hold close in our lives and in our art? What do you embrace as you step into your artistic power? Come join the conversation with these emerging Asian Pacific American artists showcasing their work.

APAture 2021: Embrace Festival Schedule:

(Multiple Locations in SF) Arc Gallery & Studios 1246 Folsom St. | Bindlestiff Studio 185 6th St. | Kapwa Gardens 967 Mission St. | Ninth Street Independent Film Center 145 9th St. 


APAture Opening Reception and Visual Arts Showcase feat. Erina C. Alejo
Saturday, October 23rd, 12-3 pm (Opening Reception)
Saturday, October 23rd - November 4th (Visual Arts Showcase on display)

Open Hours W, Th 1-6PM, Sat 12-3PM
Arc Gallery & Studios, 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Performing Arts Showcase feat. Johnny Huy Nguyen
Friday, October 29th, 7-9pm
Bindlestiff Studio 185 6th St., San Francisco, CA 94103

Literary Arts Showcase feat. Monica Sok
Thursday, November 4th, 7-9 pm
Arc Gallery & Studios, 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Music Showcase feat. Mild Monk
Saturday, November 6th, 9-1 am
Kapwa Gardens 967 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Film Showcase feat. Edward Gunawan
Friday, November 12th, 8-9pm
Ninth Street Independent Film Center #145 9th St. San Francisco, CA 94103

APAture Closing Reception
Sunday, November 14th, 12-3pm
Arc Gallery & Studios, 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

APAtureJason BayaniCurrent, Main