APAture 2022: Autonomy | Literary Arts
Voice, a Literary Arts Showcase (part of APAture 2022)
October 28, 2022 7:00 - 9:00PM PDT
$10 in-person, $5 online stream, $50 all access (comes with free t-shirt, drink tickets, and more!)
Featuring Christine No, antmen pimentel mendoza, Keana Aguila Labra, Diana Fu, Susan Calvillo, aaron fai, Jen Soong
Curated by Mark Flores, Paula Mirando, Lucie Pereira, Want Chyi, Jingyu Li
This year’s theme is “Autonomy”: as we continue to face the challenges of an ongoing pandemic and the cruel realities of socioeconomic disparity, how do our communities find autonomy in our art, in our practices, in our lived experiences. How do we ensure our autonomy in spaces that continue to limit, disrupt, and minimize our existence?
APAture 2022: Autonomy Festival Schedule:
(Multiple Locations in SF) Arc Gallery & Studios 1246 Folsom St. | Kapwa Gardens 967 Mission St. | Roxie Theater 967 Mission St.
October 8
Visual Arts Showcase Opening Reception 1:00-4:00pm (PDT)
feat. Heesoo Kwon
Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA
October 15
Music, Performing Arts, Comics, Zines, and Illustrations Showcase 2:00 - 6:00 PM (PDT)
feat. Rocky G
Kapwa Gardens
967 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
October 23
Film Showcase Screening & Talk 12:30 - 3:00 PM (PDT)
feat. Pallavi Somusetty
Roxie Theater
3117 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
October 28
Literary Arts Showcase 7:00 - 9:00 PM (PDT)
feat. Christine No
Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA
October 30
Closing Reception & Visual Artists Talk 1:00-4:00pm (PDT)
Arc Gallery & Studios
1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA