UxI 2021 | Black is Source: Conjuring AfroFutures

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UxI 2021 | Black is Source: Conjuring AfroFutures

May 12, 6 - 8pm PT via Zoom

REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/152963272265

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/200936488334919


How do we return to Source? What does it mean to conjure AfroFutures in this world, the previous, and the next? Join us for the abudance of embodied medicine that both Chibueze Crouch and jose e. abad offer through their performance-making and social practice in Yelamu aka San Francisco.

Dive into the complexities of cultural identity and return to Source.

Black is Source.

Jason Bayanicommunity