SoMa Pilipinas | The Roots of Anti-Asian Violence: A Panel Discussion

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

presented by SoMa Pilipinas

Tuesday, May 18th 6-8pm, via Zoom


This panel will explore the historical roots of anti-Asian racism, current global geo-politics, and the rise of violent attacks against API communities during the pandemic. We know that hate, scapegoating and violence is nothing new and have been part of the experience of Filipinos and Asians in America for over a hundred years. And we also know too well that this is the daily experience of indigenous, Black, immigrant and other people of color, poor, and unhoused communities in neighborhoods.


Robyn Rodriguez, Chair of Asian-American Studies Department at UC Davis

Lai Wa Wu, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Chinese Progressive Association

Emily Lee, Director of San Francisco Rising

Moderator: Jeantelle Laberinto of [people. power. media]

Jason Bayanicommunity