Apply to APAture 2019!
Festival Returning October 4, 2019
Focusing on emerging Asian Pacific American artists in the Bay Area!
In honor of the APAture’s 20th Anniversary this year, our theme is DECLARE.
DECLARE (verb: to make known, evident, or to state emphatically) is an acknowledgement of both the legacies of our past and the legacies we'll establish in the future. We invite you to submit work related to legacies that are meaningful to you. This could mean work relating to chosen and biological families, to one’s communities, or can speak to the subjects of decolonization, representation, futurism, self-agency, and more. We recognize that declaring a legacy can be interpreted broadly and we welcome work across all themes, however submissions with a connection to the theme will generally be prioritized over those without.
Book Arts | Film | Literary Arts | Music | Performing Arts | Visual Arts
APAture is Kearny Street Workshop’s annual multidisciplinary arts festival that presents and promotes a range of art by local, emerging artists of Asian and/or Pacific Islander descent. For seventeen seasons, the festival has sparked dialogue around the most pressing questions and central concerns of our day, particularly those impacting the Asian and/or Pacific Islander communities. APAture has also spurred collaboration between artists and the Bay Area community at large.
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